We have been delighted to host online and in-person talks from four MEPs, Frances Fitzgerald, Claire Daly, Barry Andrews and Ciarán Cuffe, in the last few years.
We are proud to announce that TY1 2023/24 have won a trip to Strasbourg in October 2024, as part of the “Democracy in Action” Euroscola Video Competition. They will represent Ireland as an “MEP for the day” in the European Parliament building, alongside schools from all over the EU.
Winning Video
These projects are in collaboration with various other countries around Europe through our online platform ‘Twinspace’ and also through video calls on our interactive whiteboard.
The students thoroughly enjoyed these projects such as creating emagazines, radio bulletins and even poetry. eTwinning creates an awareness of the importance of Europe to us while also making our students aware that by working together we can make a change.
We have won a number of both Nation and European quality labels for our projects over the years. The students have been doing such outstanding work that our National Support Service, Léargas sent a film crew into our school a number of years ago to capture some of the great work taking place in European Studies class.
Our students have also been invited in to the European Parliament Liason Office to tell other teachers and schools about their experience with the EPAS programme.
EPAS is a core part of our TY programme. The rest of our school is kept informed about this by our notice boards and European Studies Website.
In 2018, we were one of only three schools to represent Ireland at the European Youth Event in Strasbourg, France.