The school is under the trusteeship of CEIST and is run by a Board of Management.
Each Board of Management serves for three years and comprises;
4 Trustee representatives
2 Teacher representative
2 Parent representatives
The principal acts as secretary to the board.
Principal: Ms. Maura Gray
Deputy Principal: Ms. Ciara Howard
The school operates a Tutor and Year-Head system. Every class is assigned a Tutor who meets the students daily at Roll Call (10.50). The Tutor is responsible for:
• First call in student care / wellbeing
• Checking journal for correctly recorded homework
• Leading learning- discussing progress
• Helping to create positive relationships
The Tutor also meets their class group once a month for one period during the school day. This is an opportunity to address topical issues, facilitate academic planning, develop personal targets or any relevant topics for your daughter’s class or year group.
Every year group has a Year-Head who is responsible for:
• Leading learning,
• Respectful and mannered behaviour,
• Creating a positive learning environment,
• Giving advice to students / parents or staff
• Promoting and monitoring academic and overall progress
• Liaising with the Principal / Deputy-Principal / Guidance Counsellor / Care Team / Learning Support Department/ Outside Agencies
• Monitor student progress
• Aiding the holistic development of each student
• Monitoring attendance
The Education Act 1998 states that “it shall be the duty of a Board to manage the school on behalf of the Patron (Trustees)”. The Trustees are the legal owners of the school which the Board of Management has been appointed to manage. The Trustees of Our Lady of Mercy College, Beaumont are CEIST.
According to the Articles of Management of Voluntary Secondary Schools, “The school shall be conducted in accordance with the religious and educational philosophy of the Trustees”. The Board of Management is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that the curriculum of the school is in accordance with the religious and educational criteria defined by the trustees.
The Board must act in accordance with any act of the Oireachtas relating to the operation of the school.
Our School’s Board of Management is appointed by CEIST. It is made up of eight members. Four nominees from the Trust Board, two elected nominees from the Parent Body and two elected nominees from the Teaching Staff. The Chairperson is appointed by CEIST and is chosen from the eight members.
● Chairperson Mr. Gerry Lambe
● The Principal Ms. Maura Gray acts as Secretary to the Board of Management
● Parent Members: Ms. Helena Byrne & Ms. Katrina Croker
● Teacher Members: Ms Aileen Keaney & Ms Ashley Armstrong
● Trustee Members: Mr. John Paul Reilly, Mr. Garret Campbell & Ms. Winnie Kirwan