Safer Internet Day 2024

Attention! πŸ“šπŸŒ

πŸ”’ Safer Internet Week is Here! πŸ”’

Hey Beaumont School Community! 🏫 This week, we’re diving
into Safer Internet Week to ensure that our online
experiences are secure and positive. πŸ’» Let’s join hands to
promote a safer and more respectful digital environment for

What’s coming up

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Workshops & Discussions:

Engage in informative
sessions to boost your online safety knowledge. Learn about
cyber hygiene, responsible online behaviour, and protecting
your digital footprint.

🚦 Digital Citizenship Challenges:

Participate in fun
challenges highlighting the importance of being responsible
digital citizens. Share your insights, tips, and experiences
using #BeaumontSafeOnline.

πŸ” Security Check:

Take a moment to review and update
your privacy settings. Whether it’s on social media or other
online platforms, let’s ensure our digital spaces are secure.

πŸ“’ Spread the Word:

Share this post and your thoughts on
Safer Internet Week with your friends and classmates. The
more awareness we raise, the safer our online community

Let’s make Safer Internet Week a success by fostering a
culture of respect, responsibility, and safety online.
Together, we can create a digital space that reflects the
values of Our Lady of Mercy Beaumont! 🌐🀝
