As a parent or guardian of a student attending our school you are automatically a member of the Parents’ Association.
The Parents’ Association (PA) is the voice for parents in the school. To ensure that the views of parents and students are established and heard, the Parents’ Association meets approximately 6 meetings per school year including an Annual General Meeting (AGM). It is a forum to share and discuss ideas, and to make decisions on matters that will help our daughters and the whole school community.
The PA offers support to the school when school activities are taking place e.g. the Open Night, 6th Year and Transition Year Graduations, the Carol Service and TY Musical.
The PA has been involved in fund-raising events to fund the trophies for the end of year awards and provide extra resources to the school.
As a member of the Parents’ Association you are eligible to join the Parents’ Association Committee, which manages the responsibilities of the Association on behalf of all parents.
A committee Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are elected from the committee members. The parents’ association elect two representatives to the Board of Management of the school.
Three things you can do….