Friday 8th November Stand up week

November 7, 2024

As part of Stand Up Week, we will be taking our annual flag photo in the gym tomorrow Friday. Students will arrive to school in your full uniform and par take in the event. This is NOT an NON UNIFORM DAY. 
Since the CEIST Value of this year is Creating Community and the Belong To Stand Up Week 2024 Theme is Pride in our Communities, we want to mark this and so we will also be introducing a new element to our annual celebrations. 
At 11:05 all classes will be given a set of paper strips. We are asking everyone, after they take the roll, give students 5 minutes write a supportive message or something we can do to make sure LGBTQ+ students feel a part of our school community. If teachers could collect these and return them to the box on the island of the staffroom please. The IDEAL club will be joining these together to make a paper chain of support which will be displayed in the school. 
Many thanks to everyone for their help and support for Stand Up Week.
Kind regards,
Ms. Doherty, Ms. Murphy and the IDEAL Club