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School Reports
January 24, 2023
Going Forward your daughter’s school reports will only be available online. They will be available via VSware (our school admin platform). Please see below for information on how to access the reports.
You will receive a text message with a user ID for accessing your daughter/daughters information.
The access is linked to the phone number on which you receive the text message.
To create a password select “Create or reset password ” in the App or on the website
You should be able to see their timetable and their reports once they are published.
We will send notes out via the app to let you know when reports are available.
You should receive only one ID even if you have more than one child in the school, if this is not the case please contact vsware@mercybeaumont.com
It is possible to have more than one access to your daughter’s account thus if you need a 2nd access please contact vsware@mercybeaumont.com
If you have any questions please contact vsware@mercybeaumont.com
Access to VSware via link on website (also below), by downloading the app, or clicking the link in the school App. please note, VSware is a separate link/app to the school app.
Web link for VSware
Guides for parents on using vsware- https://mercybeaumont.app.vsware.ie/
Guides for parents: