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Tip on Tuesdays;; HSCL Diary for Parents and Guardians
March 14, 2023
Hello there Parents and Guardians,
We had Daragh from BRYR visit the school last week to tell the students all ablut the youth orientated activities they organise in Ballymun. They work with both groups of friends and individual young people. They will organise activities that the young people have preferance for such as kayaking/ horse riding/art etc. The youth projects and not just Ballymun but Sphere 17 , West Kilmore Youth Project amd Donnycarney Youth project also run courses in youth leadership. Daragh Byrne from BRYR is launching a new program to teach Youth Leadership on Friday 24th of March. You could to be between 16 and 21 to join it . And it will run for a year.
The Youth Projects also offer counselling services for free. But you will need to get in touch and make an appointment.
We are hoping for a good turn out to our first and Second Year Parent/Guardian COFFEE MORNING on thursday 16th. Any other parents who would like to come are very welcome. It will be a time for chit chat and a bit of fund raising in aid of the RED CROSS. We are hoping to also have the CDetb there to chat to parents about their courses.
And we are hoping to go ahead with our Horticulture class if we get enough parents to sign up for it by the end of this week . We will be starting it soon at the end of March.
If you have any questions pr queries please call the HSCL at 086157703.