Tips on Tuesday; HSCL Diary for Parents & Guardians
March 29, 2023
Good afternoon, due to software issues we were not able to post this yesterday. So hopefully it is not too confusing to have Tuesday tips on a Wednesday.
It is Friendship and Cultural week in school this week and it willl culminate wth the International Day activiities in the concert hall on Friday. So parents are invited to come in and see what students have prepared for this years showcase. We will also gratefully receive any sweet offerings in the form of home made biscuit/cakes/loaves/buns from parents. We want to emphasis the mixture of nationalities in the school and recipies with an ethnicity are most acceptable!
I would also like to thank one of our parents , Sajeeda Imdad who led our first years in some traditional South African cooking today. They all went off very happy with what they made! Delicious food!
On a sad note, our Yoga class won’t be happening tomorrow as the instructor is on leave. However there are still some places left on the horticulture class which will start on Tuesday 18th of April. The class is run once again by the CDEetb, and the instructor Carmel will bring along materials for the class to use. Get in touch with me at 0861857703 to book a place.
For any parents that are experiencing a stressful home life with constant rows, damaged property or even physical aggression from their child, there is a new program in NVR (non violent resistance). Around the city there are groups working successfully with many parents, using this programme. It is is designed to bring the violence and aggression to an end and to build a better and stronger relationshipbetween you and your child. The course will be run by Sarah Gillard in the Le Cheile Centre Communty Centre, Collins Ave East, Donnycarney, D5. It will start in May 11th and run from 10am -12. Sarah’s number is 087 6042534 if you would like to find out more about it.