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Tuesday Tips for Parent/Guardians and Grandparents
January 30, 2024
Good evening all. It is great to see a stretch to the evenings and Spring is around the corner.
As we are a Ceist school and with St Brigid’s Day approaching on Thursday(Feb.1st), our religion department are marking the day by celebrating the school community and that includes the families at the heart of this school. So Mr Jenkins and Ms Keogh invites you to the creation of a piece of art through collaboration between parents/grandparents/guardians, students and staff. What we require is your hand print! This will take place in room 15 (artroom)around midday and then on to room 11 were there will be a prayer service with a cup of tea afterwards. So if anyone would like to attend please contact me at 086 1857703.
- Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 6th of February. Ms. Howard has activities planned for Tuesday and you can also look out for any activities involving parents on the day too.
- Our Glass Painting Classes will start on March 20th for 5 weeks. All parents/guardians/grandparents are invited to what should be a delightful class. It will be from 9.30am to 12 noon and in the school. Parents are asked to bring a couple of glass jars or bottles to decorate. Otherwise it is free of charge. Because we need to plan for numbers in advance please sign up on the google doc attached. Glass painting link
- Barnardos are offering a free bereavement helpline for any adult concerned about a bereaved child. The service offers advice, information and resources as well as acting as a gateway to therapeutic supports. The helpline is open from 10am to 12pm every Monday to Thursday. The service can be accessed by phone on 01 4732110 or email on bereavement@barnardos.ie. Barnardos also accepts requests from professionals for training, professional consultation and critical incident support in relation to supporting a grieving child or family following a traumatic bereavement. This aspect of the service can be accessed by emailing bereavement@barnardos.ie
An information sheet, in relation to both services, is attached to this email in Ukrainian.
- The National Parents’ Council are running an online session for parents of 5th and 6th class children preparing to transition to post-primary school. There is a choice of dates and times available to accommodate as many parents as possible. The standalone session will run at 7:30pm on January 30th, twice daily at 10am and 7:30pm on January 31st and February 1st and once on February 2nd at 10am. The topics which will be covered are:
- ü Choosing a school for your child
- ü Preparing your child for post-primary school
- ü Subject choice
- ü Parent/Teacher meetings
- ü School policies
- ü Home-school communication.
- ü People you might meet in post-primary school.
To register for one of these information sessions, please click link