Tuesday Tips for Parent/ Guardians and Grandparents(on Friday)
May 24, 2024
Good afternoon all. It has been a mega busy week here in school between awards, graduations and celebrations! So hence the Tuesday Tips on Friday. Please have a look at some of the photos attached below.
Next week the house exams will begin on Monday 27 th of May. It is important that students spend time preparing for their exams over the weekend (if they haven’t started already) It is recommended that they make out a study timetable, so that they cover all their subjects. Start with the most difficult subjects first so that when it comes to the students favorites, they wont find them too taxing. Get a good nights sleep before the exams and make sure to turn up at least 15 minutes before the test begins. There will be opportunities for the students to study throughout the day in school. Don’t leave exam study to chance, be prepared!
I want to remind you all of the tremendous work you as parents have done to get your child/ren into school, to look after their physical, intellectual and emotional needs, this year. Without your efforts day in and out we wouldn’t be able to function in school. We have been highlighting attendance with students and parents a lot over the past couple of years and we can see a turn in the tide in the right direction this year. Next year it will be even better. It is important for parents and guardians to realise their efforts do bring about positive results. The painting included above is by Louise Ybanez from TY . It is entitled the ‘Road Less Travelled’. It was commissioned by the Garda JLO to inspire young people who find themselves in trouble to consider a different path in life to the one they are headed. Well done to Louise and I think it gives us adults food for thought too.
I want to thank all the parents who supported the school in attending all the different activities the school had to offer including PTMs , the International Celebrations, Market day, Talks, social mornings and the parent classes. And indeed the hard workers on the parents association! The school graduation would not be the same with out your work done quietly in the background.
I am already thinking ahead to August and looking forward to what the new school year will bring. In the meantime, take care and have a wonderful break from the routine of school life.