Tuesday Tips for Parents and Guardians

November 7, 2023

Welcome back to all our parents and guardians for our second school term of the year. The days are drawing closer and this term is a little shorter than the last. 

I am pleased to be able to announce that the school will be able to offer first and second year students a homework club on Mondays and Wednesdays starting next week.It is free of charge  and we would encourage you to send your children as a teacher will be on hand to help students if they are having any difficulties. Further information will be sent out on the app tomorrow.

There was a very good turn out for the  Parents Association meeting  on Thursday the 26nd of October. They have planned the AGM for the end of November, watch this space for further information.

Any parents who missed the last two PTMs are welcome to catch up with teachers at the third year parent teacher meeting on Wednesday at 4.15pm-6.45pm


CyberSafe Offer a Free e-Learning Internet Safety Course.

Cybersafe Kids are offering a free online, self-paced e-learning Internet Safety Course for parents,

caregivers and educators to better prepare children for their online lives. The course covers all the major aspects

of online safety and the digital world through distinct ‘missions’: privacy & security; cyberbullying; positive use;

online risks; gaming & digital literacy. If you would like to register for this course, or share it with your target

parents, please click on the link below.



 Resource Booklet for Families Facing Mental Health Challenges.


Mental Health Ireland in association with Family Carers Ireland have created a resource

booklet entitled ‘Mental Health & Family Caring: Supporting the Supporters Supporting

families to look after their own wellbeing while caring for a person living with a mental

health challenge’. The booklet provides useful information for parents and families living

with and supporting a person with a mental health issue and focuses on the concept of

family recovery. The booklet aims to provide information, guidance, and practical tips to

promote the following areas: good mental health; a model of family recovery; enhanced

communication skills; exploration and definition of boundaries; access appropriate

services and supports. To access the booklet, please click the linkelink on the right.mental health Ireland

PARENTLINE: Printable Brochure for Parents Outlining the Service.

Parentline is in operation for over 40 years providing a confidential

helpline for parents and guardians and supporting over 150,000 callers

in that time. Parentline provides non-judgemental support, guidance

and information on all aspects of parenting relating to newborn babies,

toddlers, pre-teens, teenagers and adult children.

Parentline is open Monday- Thursday 10am to 9pm and Fridays 10am to

7pm. To contact Parentline, you may call on (01) 873 3500 or access the

Parentline webpage at www.parentline.ie.

A printable brochure outlining the service can be accessed by clicking on

the link.parent line


If you have any questions or queries, get in touch with me (Oona hscl)at 0861857703