Tuesday Tips for Parents and Guardians

November 21, 2023

Good evening all,

International Day

We are looking forward to meeting you parents/ guardians/grandparents at our International Day on Friday 24th of November. The performance is scheduled to start at 11.10am  and parents are invited along with Ms Offiah to sample some of the international  foods  prepared for the day (by you all),from 10am onwards  in the home economics kitchen.

If you are cooking or baking for the occasion, the food should be sent in on friday morning. If you could make a list of the ingredients and send it in with your contribution,  that would be great. And thanks to all you hard working families  for contributing to what is a fun  and educational day.

College Awareness Week

College Awareness Week (CAW) is taking place from November 20th to 26th. The week aims to celebrate going to college and showcase local role models. Check out the link below, there are plenty of resources to peruse.


Online Safety Webinar

Barnardos are offering a free Online Safety webinar for parents which is based on current research and best practice to promote online safety for children. The aim of the webinar series is to empower parents with practical tips that will help their family stay safer and be happier on the internet. The workshop is suitable for parents with children of all ages. Please register to attend by clicking on the link below.

 Barnardos online safety