Tuesday tips for Parents, and Guardians.

January 16, 2024

Good afternoon all,

We have some great extra curricular stuff going on  for students  at Mercy Beaumont. We have the homework club and volleyball all being run free of charge during the week. It is important to support these extra classes so that we can keep them running. So parents if you could encourage your daughter to participate, it would be good for them and the school. 

  • The Homework Club for First and Second year students is still running from 4-5pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. It is a great chance for students to get their homework done and if they come across any difficulty with the homework  that there is a supervising teacher on hand. 
  • Volleyball is running from 4-5pm in the PE hall on Tuesday. All students are welcome to come along

Date for your diary- We are having a guest speaker Fiona Forman on Tuesday 27th of February  at 7pm. She will deliver a talk on ‘Supporting Anxious Teens’ – A guide for parents help to build resilience. The talk will be in the school library at 7pm.

Online Parenting Course

One Family is a provider of specialist family support services to one parent families since 1972. The

organisation recognises the unique challenges and needs of people who are parenting alone, sharing

parenting and separating.

One Family’s parenting courses via Zoom offer a group-based learning environment facilitated by an

experienced, accredited parenting facilitator. These courses commence in late January and run for 8

weeks. A new course titled Parenting under Pressure commences on January 31st, this programme

was developed specifically for families who are experiencing problems across multiple domains of

family life. You can learn more about the course HERE

These courses may be of benefit to parents who are experiencing the issues explored. Please note that

there is a cost of 50 euro per course. To register for the online course, please click on the link below.

online parenting courses zoom link

For parents and children who enjoy making stuff

Coolock library have some lovely activities including lessons on how to use a 3D printer((yes they have one), a space to discuss your ideas for constructing  your ideas, etc. Please follow the link to check out what your local friendly library has to offer. And again free of charge.

 Creative activities at Coolock Library