Tuesday Tips for Parents and Guardians
February 20, 2024
Good evening all. It is great to see the evenings getting brighter as Spring arrives. Welcome back after the mid term. Just a few messages this week, all of them reminders.
The first year parent teacher meeting is tomorrow evening(21st of Feb) in the school hall. It starts at 4.15pm and finishes at 6.45pm. It is best to get there early if you can, as queues form very quickly. You will be given a list of your daughters teachers as you go in. We look forward to meeting you all then.
The Supporting Anxious Teens Talk will be coming up next Tuesday 27th of February, for parents/guardians at 7pm in the school library. This is a very hot topic currently and goes hand in hand with social media. Fiona Forman is foremost in Ireland and has written widely on this subject. So come along and bring a friend if they want to come too!
The Craft Class started today with tutor Olivia. A lovely time was had by all between the crafts and the chats. There is room for more participants, so if you missed this week fell free to come along next Tuesday. The photographs included here are from that class.
Thanks to anyone who participated in the Internet Safety Challenge we set two weeks ago. Ann Turner was the worthy winner! So she will be receiving her prize voucher soon. It would be great to see people challenging themselves to putting away their phones on a daily basis.
The Catch Up Club is still going on for any students who are worried having been absent from school or who just need a little extra help . The extra class is Monday to Thursday between 3.55pm&4.55pm. A different teacher each day will help any student that needs it on the day.
The school is focusing on attendance again this term after the success of the awards for best class attendance before Christmas. Our students would not make it in without you dedicated parents/guardians. Every day in school is a plus to your child’s life and a step in the right direction. Even if it seems a grind, that daily effort is very important.