Tuesday Tips for Parents/Guardian/Grandparents
January 23, 2024
Good evening all.
Are you ready for storm Jocelyn on the tail of storm Isha?
- We a trying to whip up another type of storm in Mercy Beaumont this week. We are laying on catch up classes between 3.55pm & 4.55pm(Mon-Thurs) for students who have missed any aspect of their subjects due to sickness, absences or if a student is unsure about a topic in any of their subject choices. Naturally we would like to see as many students attending as possible. Tomorrow we will be offering all students a hot chocolate on their way out the door at 3.50pm, to raise awareness of this scheme. Parents you are welcome to drop in for a hot chocolate too on your way home. On Monday students can have help with maths and business subjects. On Tuesday languages, Wednesday english,history etc. And Thursday is for first and second years.
- We are still running the Homework Club for first and second years on Monday and Wednesday at 4pm-5pm.
- Craft Class
We are planning on running a craft class for parents from 20th of March, 2024. It will be free of charge and run in the mornings. I sent out, a poll on the parents WhatsApp group to decide on the most popular craft option. Please feel free to add to the poll. And I will publicise the chosen option next week and take bookings.
We are hoping to run the gardening group again this year after Easter. We all really enjoyed it last year, Carmel had great tips to offer.
Family Carers Ireland are running a virtual Carers’ Support Group on Wednesday, January 24th from 10am to 11:30am. This newly formed support group is especially for Family Carers caring for those with a severe intellectual disability and complex needs. This group will meet fortnightly on Wednesdays at 10am. All are welcome to join the group as and when they can. New members are always welcome to get involved. To join, please email Norah at nduffy@familycarers.ie or call 086-1037456.
- Dublin West are running online classes including Gaeilge for Intermediate Learners, included or conversation Irish. Please click the link below for the brochure or contact hscl@mercybeaumont,com
Dublin West Online Gaeilge Class