Tuesday Tips For Parents/Guardians and Grandparents
March 5, 2024
Good evening all. We had a good turn out of parents for the Fiona Forman talk last Tuesday. She gave a very good overview on adolescent anxiety, describing what young people have fears over, how parents can get to grips with their teenagers worries and methodologies to use to combat these issues. Fiona left us with the slideshow she presented and she also recommended the following books;
uLove in, Love Out – Dr. Marie Coyne
uPerfectly Imperfect Parenting – Dr. Mary O’Kane
uBraver Than You Believe – Fiona Forman
If you have any queries or questions she can be contacted at fiona.forman @gmail.com or give me a text or call at 086 1857703
DMR North Garda Youth Awards
The DCC and Fingal CC along with the DMR North Garda Awards are looking for nominees for the most outstanding young people between the ages of 13 and 21, who have contributed to their community. It can be an individual or a group. And anyone can nominate the young person/people including family members. For further information and an application please get in touch with me a the number above.
Our craft group is still going strong with new parents coming along each week. Everyone seems to be enjoying it under Olivia’s instruction. We have another two weeks to go if you would still like to come along . We may even have a class trip to celebrate the completion of their stain glass artworks!