Tuesday Tips for Parents/Guardians and Grandparents
November 12, 2024
Good Evening Parents,
I would like to remind you all that the TYs are organising a rememberance ceremony for any family members who passed away in the last year. It will comprise of spiritual readings and reflections lead by the TY students in the school assembly hall tomorrow at noon. Parents,Guardians and Grandparents are invited to remember loved one alongside the students. Please arrive ten minutes before hand.
The Parents Association successfully ran their AGM in the school library last Thursday. Thanks to Katrina , Edel and Noelle for taking on the committee yet again. And a big thanks for all your contributions . It was particulariy nice to see parents new to the school attend the meeting on the night. Valerie Hegarty spoke elegantly about the work done at the Coolock Artane Family Resource Centre- we learned that they provide workshops and professional talks online through zoom meetings for parents of young people with an autism diagnosis. Valerie left us leaflets , so if you are interested in learning more I can drop or post one out to you. They have fun workshops for children and adults alike . They also provide counselling services for all , with a vountary recommended donation.
Remember the Yoga Class is on tomorrow morning 9.30am to 10.30am. Free to all parents/guardians/grandparents/aunties!
A few more notices of interest to families.
UCC have launched an initiative entitled New Avenues to Teaching which is aimed at supporting secondary pupils who are traditionally underrepresented in teaching to try and get into the profession. There are bursaries and supports available to DEIS pupils in UCC enrolled in relevant education courses. The target groups are identified for the initiative are as follows:
ü Students with a Disability (or Disabilities)
ü Students from Ethnic Minorities
ü Students from the Traveller Community
ü QQI Entry Route
ü Students who are Lone Parents
ü HEAR-eligible students.
ü Students who were or are in the Care of the State/Direct Provision/Supported Accommodation
ü DEIS Second Level School Attendance
ü Mature Students (in undergraduate programmes only)
You can learn more about the initiative via their website .HERE
The National Parent Council is offering Anti-Bullying Training for Parents of Post-Primary students. This virtual training session is designed to equip parents with practical advice and insights on supporting children with issues related to bullying and the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Post-Primary Schools.
· Wednesday, 13th November – 10am
· Thursday, 14th November – 10am
· Friday, 15th November – 10am
To attend a session for post-primary, please register.Here
ISPCC Webinars to Support Parents with Internet Safety
ISPCC Childline deliver a series of Online Safety
webinars which aims to provide parents with
knowledge and tips to support their child or young
person to be safe online.
There are two separate offerings featured which may be
useful for parents and carers of young people aged 12+.
The first is a two-part webinar entitled ‘Don’t teach your kids to fear the online world, help them to
navigate it’. This webinar focuses on:
– Recognising ways to interact with your child’s online world and day to day experiences.
– Reflect on how you might support your child to navigate the online world.
– Implementing digital boundaries
– Guidance on how to deal with cyberbullying and upsetting content online.
– Practical solutions and tips to help your child stay safe online.
The ‘Don’t teach your kids to fear the online world, help them to navigate it’ webinar for Parents is
available to view HERE. Meanwhile the second part which is for Young People aged 12+ and their Parents is
available HERE.T
he second ISPCC offering is another two-part webinar entitled ‘With great power comes great
responsibility’. This webinar focuses on online safety and critical thinking in which parents are guided to
support their child to have the skills to evaluate online content and recognise that the content they are
exposed to can impact behaviour, emotions, and beliefs.The first webinar is available H EREand part two is available to view HERE.
Tusla Fostering are appealing to members of school communities past or present to consider fostering. It may not be known that there are various different types of fostering from short term placements to respite fostering to more long-term placements and that there is no upper age limit. Foster carers can be: Couples – married, co-habiting, same gender; Single people – widowed, separated, divorced; People with disabilities – provided your disability or medical condition does not prevent you from caring for a child; People with or without children; People who own their own homes, are in private rented accommodation or local authority housing; Employed / Unemployed people; Those over 40 years of age; Those who smoke; People from different cultures, ethnic or religious backgrounds – having carers from different cultures allows Tusla Fostering to match children and young people with suitable families.
If you, a colleague or a parent wish to find out more, please refer to the attached poster. Interested parties can click on the link or scan the QR code on the poster which will bring you directly to the Tusla fostering website with details of any upcoming online info session or any events that are scheduled throughout the country.