Tuesday Tips for Parents/Guardians and Grandparents
January 7, 2025
Happy New Year to all of the school community and welcome back. With the cold weather everyone is tempted to stay tucked up in their cosy beds this week in particular. Remember to give yourself a big hug(or someone you love) for getting up in darkest coldest part of the year and facing a days work/study/caring. It is a step in the right direction.
So we have been given the green light to continue with our Wednesday Yoga class, run by Eibhinn. Free of charge the class caters for beginners and intermediaries. So if getting fit is one of your new year resolutions this is a good way to start. 9.30-10.30am in the school ‘s quiet space beginning next Wednesday 15th of January.
The HSCLs in St Davids NS and SC, Donnycarney PS, Mary’s Killester and Scoil Ide and Mercy Beaumont, banded together to get a walking group going for Wednesday mornings. The walks will be in the local area and run for about 45 mins. If you find it hard to get motivated and get out in the winter then this is a good way to do it. Walking is a fundamental way to improve your wellbeing and this will be a nice way to meet oter parents/guardians /grandparents. There will be a coffee at the end. Please find a flyer with more details below. The starting point will change each week.
We are hoping to deliver a few workshops free of charge to you parents this term. We will have a candle making workshop coming up at the end of this term . We are also hoping to run a series of cooking demonstrations in the evenings for the adults showing different styles reflecting our international student body. There is a great interest in different types of food. We would love to have parent/ chefs lead the workshops and of course you will be paid for your efforts. Please give me a text or email or call at 086 1857703 hscl@mercybeaumont.com if you would like to lead a demo in the evening. The most popular cuisines are Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, Spanish, Italian or French. Watch this space!
And a few more notices!
· Barnardos Online Safety Webinar for Parents
Barnardos trainers deliver live webinars to parents about online safety with a short Q&A after. These 45-minute webinars are free to register. There are generally two webinars a month. See below to register your place on an upcoming webinar, and download this flyer for more information. The link to the website ishttps://www.barnardos.ie/learning-development/training/online-safety-programme/for-parents/
· AWARE is the national organisation providing free support, education and information services to people impacted by anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and related mood conditions. Each month Aware has a webinar with a different theme. This month Dr Mark Rowe is the guest contributor for a webinar entitled “The Role of Lifestyle in Improving Wellbeing” that takes place on Wednesday, January 8th at 12 noon. More information and registration is at this link: Upcoming Aware Webinars
Have a great week all!