Tuesday Tips for Parents/Guardians and Grandparents

February 4, 2025

Good evening all, I hope you had a nice long weekend and St Brigid’s Day. It is good to see the stretch in evenings if not quite spring time yet! And good luck to all the students getting down to their mock exams this week. This is a great chance for them to test their knowledge and work in state exam like conditions. The mocks are another step towards getting  the  students exam ready.  Needless to say we are thinking of all the parents and guardians supporting  their daughter/s through throughout the year. Daily attendance is the cornerstone to success. 

Only a few messages today;

Yoga Class tomorrow as usual for parents and guardians, starts at 9.30am, Don’t forget your mat or if you don’t have we have a few here. 

We have the HSCLs walk for Deis schools in the locality starting from Mercy Beaumont tomorrow morning at  9.30am. I will be there with a comfy pair of shoes and hoping the weather will be kind to us.I hope you can come along too. It is a nice way to meet new friends and get out in the fresh air.

The Candle making workshop will take place next Tuesday 11th from 11am -1pm. I have a list of parents/guardians but we can always make room for more. Everyone will get to make their own candles!   Come along on time to give time for the candles wax to cool before you go home!And we are running it free of charge. We will be having a cuppa too. Text me at 086 1857703.

For Parents who can’t come during the day , we are hoping to run a cookery demonstration on the dish Butter Chicken and flat breads. Some of our parents have very kindly said they would run it. We are also hoping to put it on on the evening of the first year parent/teacher meeting on Thursday 27th of February.