Tuesday Tips for Parents/Guardians and Grandparents
March 19, 2024
Good evening all. It is hard to believe that the Easter midterm is nearly upon us and that the leaving certs are beginning their oral exams next Saturday. Good luck to them all on that and we will be rooting for them.
Thanks to all the parents who participated in the Craft Class over the passed 5 weeks. The group seemed to enjoy the glass painting and produced lovely work. I am hoping to make Tuesdays at 9.30 am -11.30 am, a regular time slot, when parents can come to school and do a bit of learning of their own in a friendly environment. We have limited access to adult tutors and hopefully we can find ways to give more classes and keep the Tuesdays going. We plan on taking a trip to the Hugh Lane Gallery to see the Harry Clarke Stain glass collection there on the 9th of April, as a nice ending to our glass painting.Once again I would encourage you to come along.
It was good to see Katrina and Edel running the Parents Association meeting this morning too. It is the first time we have run it in the morning.
Show Racism the Red Card
Our School of Sanctuary group are running a Show Racism the Red Card event on Thursday. To promote the message of inclusivity in our society, students and teachers will wear red to school. This is an important message and I would love to see parents sending me their pictures in red on Thursday. So join in with the occasion, wear red or feature red in your photos and send them on to me at 0861857703. I will post your pics on the app.
Frchoolbooks Scheme
The Department of Education has sent out information on the brand new’ free book scheme’ for next years’ junior cycle students. The books will be loaned to the students at the start of the year which means parents won’t have to go out and buy books. It will also mean that the schools will be organising the loan of books to the students from August 2024. Please see the advice for parents attached below here free books scheme
I want to wish you all a wonderful Easter break and see you in April.