Tuesday Tips for Parents/Guardians and grandparents.
September 10, 2024
Good evening all. As we get deeper into the term our parent classes and activities are coming on stream. Tomorrow evening at 7pm the postponed Parents Association Meeting will be happening in the school library. All you parents/guardians/grandparents form an association with the school when you send you child to school here. So feel free to attend the meeting if you are curious and this will be the first of this term.
The dates and times have been set for the Eco Craft Class– this will be starting on Tuesday 23rd of Sept at 9.30 am and will commence in the school library. Please click the link to sign up for the class.Craft/art If you would like to try your hand at arts and crafts or if you have an interest in the natural world (or both) then this is the class for you.
The Yoga Class will begin on Wednesday 25th of September in the school hall at 9.30am. Thanks to those who participated in our survey last week. Please wear suitable leisure wear, and bring a yoga mat or a towel too. I have some extra mats if you forget yours on the day. The class is suitable for beginners and intermediates. Please click the link to reserve your place in the classyoga class
Both tutors are supplied by the City of Dublin Adult education (CDETB).
We are also planning a coffee morning, inviting first and second year parents for a chat with the math’s department teachers in the next few weeks. I will have more details of this next week. We are to give parents an overview of what they are teaching and to help parents get to grips with some of the challenges of helping their child understand their math’s homework. So watch this space .
Thank you and have a great week!