Tuesday Tips for Parents/Guardians and Grandparents(on Wednesday)
May 8, 2024
Good evening all, a day late!
I want to say thanks to Olivia from the CDETB for the lovely work she did with our parents group. The workshop duration was shortened due to the May Bank holiday but we will attempt to keep the Tuesdays for parents crafts activities next year. If any of you parents would like to lead a craft class with the parents please get in touch. See the parents bracelets up above.
With the Summer holidays fast approaching I have put together a list of Summer camps for both primary school and secondary school age students. Please click the link provided. All of the camps charge a fee. I am looking for free activities for young people over the summer too. Your local libraries are a great free resource for books, story telling/book clubs/workshops/playgroups/crafting/designing and they are always worth a visit . summer camps
Parentline Supports for Parent in Non-Violent Resistance Programme
- Parentline offers a Non-Violent Resistance Programme (NVR) to
support parents with information and guidance on how they can both
prevent and respond to the controlling behaviours of their children.
Child to parent violence can be physical violence but it also includes
verbal abuse, emotional abuse, manipulation, intimidation and any
other coercive and controlling behaviours.
- Why would a parent need NVR support?
Sometimes parents or carers are afraid of their own child because of the abusive and violent behaviour
directed towards them. NVR aims to end certain patterns of behaviour and repair the damaged
relationship between the parent and the child. It supports parents to change the ways in which they deal
with violent, aggressive and controlling behaviours. Parents are supported in developing skills to de-
escalate the abusive behaviour. Parents learn to increase their positive presence in their child’s life. It helps
parents to understand that it is the behaviour that is the problem and not the child.
- How is NVR delivered by Parentline?
The NVR programme requires the commitment of taking a one hour a week phone call from a highly
trained, experienced Parentline volunteer. This is done in a confidential manner. The programme can last
from anywhere between 4 and 8 weeks depending on how well and quickly it is implemented. It is usually
offered to parents of children aged from 12 years to 17 years. Parentline is open Monday to Thursday from
10am to 9pm and Fridays from 10am to 7pm. Call 01 873 3500
EPIC Programme: Online Employment and Integration Training for
Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrants.
The EPIC programme is available for unemployed asylum seekers, refugees or migrants living in
Ireland who are looking for a job and are unsure where to start the search. The next online course will
run over 7 mornings from May 21st until the 28th of June 2024. Interested parties are invited to read
more about the EPIC course HERE and watch a testimonial from a former student of the course HERE.
Applications can be made via an online form HERE or by emailing epic@bitc.ie.
Please note that eligibility criteria apply to this course. Applicants are required to have an intermediate (B1/B2) to
high level of both written and spoken English and will need to be able to communicate in English without requiring
translation support. Eligible visa status is also required. Applicants must be an unemployed adult who is one of the
following: Asylum seekers with work permits; Refugees, people with Subsidiary Protection or Leave to Remain
and with Stamp 4; People with Temporary Protection Certificates (Ukrainian refugee); Migrants with Stamp 4,
dependant Stamp 1G or EU/Irish citizenship (conditions apply).