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Tuesday Tips- HSCL Diary for Parents and Guardians
September 12, 2023
Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome back to Mercy Beaumont for the new school year. I particularly welcome our first year parents/guardians. Its a brand new start, and I hope your child will have a very satisfying time here. As the hscl, my job is to reach out to parents/ guardians . This can be by sitting with a parent at a meeting here in school, helping you to get the support you need for your child, information spreading , offering parents classes in various topics, referral to family and child services in the community or it could be just someone to chat to in a time of need. Don’t get worried when I get in touch, I will be in touch with all the parents in one form or another!!
This brings me to our next topic , the upcoming coffee morning. Although we ran 3 coffee,mornings last year purely for parents, and we met and made lovely friends along the way…. but not enough parents came along!
So this time, I will be inviting different guests to come mingle and chat to you . This time I’ve invited Leah Skipton of the CDETB and her tutors to mingle and chat about adult education for anyone who would like to continue or pick up where they left off from or would like to study something fun. She also runs courses on project maths for parents wanting to help their child with their homework, gaelige for beginners. technology, EAL, and adult literacy. While Leah is based in Coolock, she will be able to point the way for people living in surrounding areas.
So we will be kicking off the year by inviting you the parents to a coffee morning on Tuesday 19th of September from 9.30-11am in the school canteen. This coffee morning will be a chance to chat to other parents and to share tips and ideas. First year parents are most welcome! Looking forward to meeting you there.
Oona, hscl@mercybeaumont.com