Tuesday Tips on Wednesday

February 7, 2024

Good evening all, a day late with respect to the Safer Internet Day! The link is still open to the Parents  Challenge, prizes to be won for anyone who participates. Please find the link  at Saferinternetdaysurveylink There are great resources from the Shona Project and Webwise posted by Deputy Principal during the week.

  • There will be a talk ‘Supporting Anxious Teens-A guide for parents to help build resilient students by Author and expert in wellbeing for schools , Fiona Forman on Tuesday 27th of Feb in the school library. 
  • Our newly formed Catch Up Class Club is taking root in the school. It runs Monday to Thursday from 3.55pm-4.55pm. Students can drop in for some help and they can  get a bit of extra help from a teacher if they have missed a topic in class.
  • DCU are also running a program which invite 6th Year students for a drop in math support sessions. These run until Wed 8th of May and the idea is that students work on their own or small groups asking tutors who are present for help if needed. The tutors are maths students training to be teachers. If you are interested give me a call or text at 0861857703.
  • The link to the craft class is still open too if you would like to participate, there are still some places available and remember it begins on February 20 at 9.30am. Parents/Grandparents/Guardians are all welcome colouredglassclasslink

Thanks to parents Anne and Katrina for participating in the Ceilluradh Ceist Celebration last Thursday. We had a lovely time doing hand prints, chatting and drinking tea with the students and staff as you can see from the photographs.