TY1 Euroscola Competition Winners!

April 17, 2024

TY 1 have won the Euroscola ’European Elections: Democracy in Action’ Video Competition! They had to create a one-minute video clip explaining what they would do to increase voter turnout and how they would encourage more young people to vote in the European elections in June 2024. 

 You can watch their video here: 

There were winners from all 3 EU constituencies in Ireland and 100s of school entered all across Ireland.

While they did not win outright, they were so highly commended by the judges that TY1 will now be travelling next October to Strasbourg! They will represent Ireland as our students become an MEP for a day, debating and working alongside schools from all 27 EU countries. The trip is heavily subsidised and TY1 have already been brainstorming fundraising ideas to make up the difference. This is always a highly competitive competition and this is a massive achievement!