Tips on Tuesday for Parents and Guardians

November 14, 2023

Hi Parents, there are a number of things happening within the next forthnight that will include you parents.

If you would like to join in with any of the events below please message me at 0861857703 and I will create a whatsapp group around the activities.


  • So International Day is nearly here again. That is, a day of celebrating the different ethnicities currently in school through music, poetry, dance and food. It will take place on Friday 24th of November and parents are invited in to view the spectacle. There will be  performances and a food fare with fayre from all the  continents.   If you parents wish to make some special food for the day, we invite you to do so. Please include a list of ingredients with your contributuion. We would be delighted if you could contribute. If you would like to contribute in a different way through performance , music or costume please let me know.
  • On Monday 27th there is a talk  in DCU for the parents and guardians of our current sixth year. The topics covered are Financial Supports available , HEAR and DARE schemes, CAO and Returning as a Mature student to Third level. You can find out more information about location and times on the the link following, DCU Access    I will be attending the talks too on the night. If any parents would like to come along with me give me a text at the number above. You do need to register using the link provided before hand.
  • The Parents Association AGM will be happening on the the 30th of Novembr, we hope to have some guest speakers on the night speaking on topics very relevant to parents and children today. Watch this space.
  •  Longford Westmeath CYPSC are hosting webinars which will be held on Wednesdays from 7pm to 8:30pm. The series is aimed at parents of children up to 18 years and professionals in the social care field who support parents and families through their work. Pre-registration is not required. Participants can log on each week using the zoom links which are available by clicking on the individual webinar titles below or by emailing .

                                  15th November, 7pm-8:30pm– Coping with Change & Managing Anxiety in ChildrenXkRvdMiqkqV8kuMUioB9oEcWDWbeWb.1#success

                        22nd November, 7pm-8:30pmParenting Teens through Risky Times

                      29th November, 7pm-8:30pm Shared Parenting